Tuning The Pitch
Tuning: every 6 months
We recommend tuning your piano back to concert pitch to optimise its performance. Over time the piano pitch drops as a result of environment it is displayed; temperature changes, moisture and the amount is is used will affect the frequency your piano will need tuning.

Piano Action
Voicing / Toning:
Hammer Servicing: 3-5 Years
Depending on the grade quality of hammer felt on your piano, heavy use can cause faster deterioration in sound as the tone becomes uneven. Voicing the hammers with new felt will restore the overall balance to the tone.

Regulating The Action
Service: 3-5 Years
The build quality of your piano determines the frequency that the piano action should be regulated. Higher grade materials and level of craftsmanship endure longer with everyday use and environmental changes.
What can affect a piano’s performance?
Like a well oiled engine, a piano needs maintenance and servicing in order to remain in good working condition. Over time the strings within the cabinet will lose tension and stop producing the pitch it once could.
Contributing factors to a piano going out of tune can vary from level of use, to atmospheric changes such as humidity or dryness.